wtorek, 16 listopada 2010

środa, 3 listopada 2010

Na Ketonalu - Trailer

Na Ketonalu - trailer dokumentu o Piotrze Szwedowskim. Nie o motocyklach ale o rowerach - o tym jak Szwed wracał na rower po groźnym wypadku.
To się nazywa "still on wheels"!
Pozdrowienia Szwed!

Na Ketonalu (On Painkillers). Teaser from Kulczynsky on Vimeo.
It is not a story about big tricks. It is a story about life and passion.
In 2007 Piotr Szedowski, a rider from Poland had a bad accident. He went trough clinical death, spent five days in coma, lost two liters of blood, injured his heart muscle, lungs and brain. He had multiple fractured bones, broke his femour (split open), got 8 blood transfusions and went all together through 8 surgeries. He was not walking for a year.
In the year 2010 his pasion brought him back on the bike
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